The Service Quality of Intra-city Transportation an Online Taxi Company Based in the 22 Districts of Tehran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Entrepreneurship and Commercialization Research Center, Department of Management, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran

2 PhD student in Business Management, Entrepreneurship and Commercialization Research Center, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran ,


Organizations that provide intercity online taxi services are interested in clustering the community based on the car request rate to increase their service quality and examine all factors affecting this quality. Managers of online taxi systems are concerned about intercity service quality. Hence, they permanently update their knowledge of online taxi requests and their service quality. Managers became aware of service quality rates in different city districts based on their experiences, especially in Tehran, so that they decided to examine this issue. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to examine the intercity transportation service quality of an online taxi company in 22 districts of Tehran, Iran. Using semi-structured and unstructured interviews with senior managers, the main variables were identified. The community clustering was also done using the K-means method and IBM[1] Software. Results showed that the classification of senior managers of this company regarding their service qualities, as well as the experiences and platforms of similar foreign companies, could not be used as an appropriate reference to examine intercity service quality in different districts. Therefore, driver rating, driver performance, and accepted request volume were the most important issues in district clustering followed by passenger rating. However, the variables mentioned were previously ignored.


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