The Effects of Concrete Pavement Mix Design Parameters on Durability under Freeze and Thaw Condition

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


This paper is based on an experimental research that examined the effects of concrete`s major parameters on durability of concrete pavements and curbs under freezing and thawing cycles. These parameters include concrete mix design parameters such as water-cement ratio, fine aggregate percentage and using air entraining admixture and simulating real freeze-thaw cycles that infrastructures undergo by considering deicing salt and water flow. Four types of concrete samples were prepared and submerged in four different freeze-thaw conditions. Their weight and compressive strength were measured and the results were analyzed. Based on the results, regression analysis was used and two linear models were developed to predict the weight loss and compressive strength loss of concrete under freeze-thaw cycles. The results indicated that fine aggregate percentage is a key factor in durability of concrete, and concrete samples with 6% air underwent less deterioration in comparison to concrete with lower water-cement ratio. In addition, water flow increases the deterioration of concrete under freeze-thaw cycles specially when deicing salt is present.


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